Anyone Can Become a Memory Whiz!  |  Make your Torah Learning Unforgettable!!!

Are you ready to use age old memory techniques to master and retain your learning? You are in the right place.

Now available in Print!

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TMP Tutorial 

Portable Skills 

Memory Palace is a powerful technique that you can use in every facet of your personal and professional life. 

Custom Palaces 

Each Mesechtah has its own "palace" so that you will always know just where to find the information you are looking for.


The materials are available via animated eBooks, printable PDFs and videos. 

Interactive Learning

Our platform offers a variety of fun and effective exercises, including drag-and-drop challenges, palace hotspots and quizzes, all designed to sharpen your recall and keep you engaged throughout the process.
This is the best memory aid I have used for Gemara.
—  Y.N. (Johannesburg) 
I'm optimistic that this will be the tool to help me finally remember my learning.
— Y.Z. (Lakewood)
TMP is an amazing program. It gives you the tools to chazer 10 Blatt in five minutes, and you can do it at any time and in any place.
— N.W. (Lakewood)
Try it for 10 days, try it for two weeks or a month, you'll want to do it for the rest of your life.
—  C.P. (Lakewood)
I have really enjoyed the programme so far. I really like the fact that the Simanim are often humorous so that it is more memorable. I hope this fantastic programme goes from strength to strength!
— A.M. (London)
TMP is a unique and intuitive program and I'm impressed with the quality of the visuals.
— N.L. (Louisville)