Frequently asked questions
What is a memory palace?
Memory palaces have been around for thousands of years and with incredible results. It takes advantage of the brain's amazing capacity to remember, using our visual and spatial memory. The idea is to first turn the information that you are trying to remember into images. Then you mentally place those images in a location that you know very well (for example your house, supermarket, school...) along a path through that place. Then, when you want to remember something, you just mentally walk back to the location and "collect" those images
Is TMP only for certain types of minds? Do I need to be a visual learner to succeed with TMP?
It is scientifically proven (but we don't think you need science to tell you this) that images are much easier to remember than abstract concepts. The most challenging part of the memory palace method is to actually convert the abstract information into a visual form. Thankfully, the TMP creative team does that work for you. So the short answer is that this program is for ANYONE who wants to remember his learning.
What is the three-step method?
Obviously the first step is to learn and chazer the actual Gemara. After that comes our three steps. They are:
1- Get to know the room. Study the image of the empty room and become very familiar with it. Walk through it in your mind and see the bases with all of its components. It's best to do this over a few days by reviewing the room for a few minutes each day prior to learning the applicable sugyos. Don't force it. Go back and look again until it jumps back at you.
2- Study the points from the summaries to understand which Sugyos of the Gemara we are focusing on. Go back to the room and look at the images that we use to represent the points and how they connect to the base.
3- Chazara of the points in your mind.
Why is it so important to remember the empty room as a first step?
Memory palaces work using your powerful spatial memory. You need to be intimately familiar with the location so that you can effortlessly walk back in your mind and "collect" the sugyos. Skipping this step (and trying to learn the room simultaneously with the simanim) will be an impediment to your success. The program will be harder for you in the long run and less effective.
Doesn't the memory palace technique require an actual room that I am familiar with?
The short answer is no. The key to the technique is to be in a place that you are familiar with. It could be real or imagined, as long as you know it well. There are actually some studies that state that virtual palaces are even more effective than traditional ones!
Why only three points per daf? Can I use the TMP system to remember more details on every daf?
You will be surprised to see how much of the actual daf is included in the three points. Also, once you know these sugyos, remembering the connecting parts of the Gemara takes much less effort because you have a large part of the daf firmly anchored in your mind. In addition, one can easily connect more parts of the daf on their own either through mentally adding more details to the existing images, or by creating a story to connect what's happening in the images to other parts of the daf.
Will it feel like I'm learning when studying and reviewing the illustrations? It looks like a childrens book.
Chazal tell us to make simanim to remember our learning. The images are just there as simanim to remind us of the various sugyos. You will be looking at a picture of a school dining room but thinking of the relevant sugyos. You'll be surprised by how immersed in the sugyos you can become as you are zipping through the images.
How much time do I need to spend each day?
This is a very individual question as everyone's brain works differently, but on average, it should take about 10 minutes to go through the summaries and their respective images (obviously after initially learning the Gemara and understanding it). Chazal tell us to learn something four times (at least initially) so that will probably take another five to ten minutes throughout the day. You will need to chazer after that first day as well but you will be amazed at how easily you will be able to recall the information if done properly. These later chazaras can be done anywhere; in the Bais Medrash, while you're walking, driving, or in bed before falling asleep. It won't feel like it's taking away time from your regular schedule.
How often should I be reviewing each room?
Don't make the mistake that because the method works so well, you won't have to ever review it and you'll just remember everything. Ideally you should be reviewing each base every day after first learning it for at least a week. Then you can start easing up as you feel very comfortable with the images and points.
What is a Recurring Image?
A Recurring Image is there to make it easier to remember certain concepts in the gemara that continuously come up. If we use the same image every time the concept comes up, you will immediately recognize and remember the concept when you see that image.
How will I know which Daf the siman connects to?
Every mesechta is in its own unique location. That location is broken up into different rooms with each room holding ten daf. The rooms are further broken down into two halves with each half holding five daf. The first daf will be on your left as you walk into the room and then continue clockwise to each of the other three corners with the fifth daf in the middle of the room. The same system applies to the second half of the room. To make it easy to quickly navigate between rooms, each room is giving an identifying trait to know which room and what daf you are up to. For example, the Mem room will always be Muddy and the Ayin room will always be covered in Ivy. The rooms will be different rooms for each mesechta based on the location they are in but they will always have those identifying traits.
Will each mesechta be in a similar palace and how will I differentiate between mesechtos?
Every mesechta will be in a unique palace. When possible, each palace will have a natural connection to the mesechta being learned to make it extremely easy to remember which location is for which mesechta (for example, Kiddushin is in a Chasuna Hall). The rooms for each mesechta will be unique to the various locations that they are in to prevent any confusion between mesechtos.
Frequently asked questions
What is a memory palace?
Memory palaces have been around for thousands of years and with incredible results. It takes advantage of the brain's amazing capacity to remember, using our visual and spatial memory. The idea is to first turn the information that you are trying to remember into images. Then you mentally place those images in a location that you know very well (for example your house, supermarket, school...) along a path through that place. Then, when you want to remember something, you just mentally walk back to the location and "collect" those images
Is TMP only for certain types of minds? Do I need to be a visual learner to succeed with TMP?
It is scientifically proven (but we don't think you need science to tell you this) that images are much easier to remember than abstract concepts. The most challenging part of the memory palace method is to actually convert the abstract information into a visual form. Thankfully, the TMP creative team does that work for you. So the short answer is that this program is for ANYONE who wants to remember his learning.
Why is it so important to remember the empty room as a first step?
Memory palaces work using your powerful spatial memory. You need to be intimately familiar with the location so that you can effortlessly walk back in your mind and "collect" the sugyos. Skipping this step (and trying to learn the room simultaneously with the simanim) will be an impediment to your success. The program will be harder for you in the long run and less effective.
Doesn't the memory palace technique require an actual room that I am familiar with?
The short answer is no. The key to the technique is to be in a place that you are familiar with. It could be real or imagined, as long as you know it well. There are actually some studies that state that virtual palaces are even more effective than traditional ones!
Will it feel like I'm learning when studying and reviewing the illustrations? It looks like a childrens book.
Chazal tell us to make simanim to remember our learning. The images are just there as simanim to remind us of the various sugyos. You will be looking at a picture of a school dining room but thinking of the relevant sugyos. You'll be surprised by how immersed in the sugyos you can become as you are zipping through the images.
How much time do I need to spend each day?
This is a very individual question as everyone's brain works differently, but on average, it should take about 10 minutes to go through the summaries and their respective images (obviously after initially learning the Gemara and understanding it). Chazal tell us to learn something four times (at least initially) so that will probably take another five to ten minutes throughout the day. You will need to chazer after that first day as well but you will be amazed at how easily you will be able to recall the information if done properly. These later chazaras can be done anywhere; in the Bais Medrash, while you're walking, driving, or in bed before falling asleep. It won't feel like it's taking away time from your regular schedule.